Non-profit Golf Tournaments/Events | Ed Rachal Memorial Golf Course Fees

The present day golf course is situated on part of the properties owned by Mr. Ed Rachal.
The foundation created by Mr. Ed Rachal granted the property to the City of Falfurrias which subsequently turned over the operation of the golf course to the present; non-profit organization. Falfurrias Golfers, Inc membership has changed over the years but the quality of the membership has remained the same.
Our organization has provided funds for charitable purposes via the use of facilities at the Ed Rachal Golf Course as well as promotion of the game of golf.
The project is to improve the quality of the golf course by a combination of restoration and reconstruction of our greens as well as upgrading our small fleet of golf carts. The board by individual evaluation and an informal survey of our regular golfers concur that our best investment is to replace our 9 greens and replace our aging golf carts to increase financial gain and get a leg up on the competition.
The golf course is mainly used for recreation by the citizens of the city of Falfurrias, Premont, Hebbronville, Alice, Riviera and Kingsville. The course gets an added boost in the winter months from our winter texans that visit us from October thru February/March from all parts of the country and Canada (estimates show over 1000 different golfers of both genders and vary from 15 to 90 years of age). These folks leave much needed sales tax funds in Falfurrias and surrounding areas.