Arvin Tucker, M Com (MBA)., CPM., CRMA., GRCP. GRCA.
Finance Director/Budget Officer
City of Falfurrias
(361) 325-2420
Description of Office
The Finance Department is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining the City's financial systems in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP); processing and disbursing funds for payments; process cash collections, managing investments of cash balances; publishing appropriate financial statements, reports and preparing the City's annual budget, and managing bonded indebtedness. The department strives to review and improve the efficiency and effectivenesses of the City's financial practices.
- Keep in proper books, a full accurate account of all the moneys received and disbursed on behalf of the City, specifying the time of receipt and disbursement, from whom received and to whom disbursed, and on what account received and disbursed, and how paid.
- Cancels all warrants and other evidences of debt against the City.
- Receive and have custody of all moneys paid to the City and shall disburse City moneys in accordance with City policy.
- Pay City employees upon presentation of the properly certified payroll.
- Demand and receive all moneys and fees owing to the City whenever any person is indebted to the City in any manner and the means of collection of such debt if not otherwise provided for by law.
- Coordinate all activity with the City Depository.
- Make a monthly report to Board of Commission as to the business of office during the month preceding, showing the balances on hand to the credit of the different funds at the time of the last report, the amounts received during the month, and on what account, together with such other items and facts as the Board of Commission may require.
- Prepare estimates of revenue, and shall give such other assistance in the preparation of the budgets as may be required by the City Administrator.
- Keep all general accounts of the City government and of the respective departments, offices, boards, commissions and institutions thereof.
City Budget
The Finance Department is primarily responsible for developing the City Budget. More information on the budget process and a copy of our present municipal budget is available at the Budget page of this Internet site.