Building & Construction Related Fees
- Building Permit Fee (4-8-’80 Ord. # 562) ($1.00 to $100.00) - $0.22 per square foot
- Fire Inspection - $40.00
- Code Book 2012 - $.16
- All Residential and Commercial Permits Insp. - $20.00
- Fence Permit - $20.00
- Accessory Building - $20.00
- Permit Renewal (no changes just expired) - half price of original permit
- Manufactured Home Placement Permit - $25.00
- Variance Fee - $0
- Certificate of Occupancy - $25.00
- Mechanical Permit Fee - $0.04
- Electrical Inspection Fee (Upgrade) - $30.00
- Electrical Inspection Fee (New Construction) - $70.00
- Demolition Permit Fee - $50.00