Q: What is the Fiscal Year for the City?
A: The City's fiscal year is January 1st to December 31st.
Q: When does the budget process begin?
A: The development of the budget begins in the summer of each year when the City Council and City Administrator establish priorities for the upcoming budget reflecting policy and program concerns of the
community at large. In the spring of each year, the City Administrator begins developing a budget calendar and instructs department heads to submit their proposed budget requests.
Q: When is the budget adopted?
A: The City Council discusses the proposed budget during public hearings and adopts a new budget prior to October 1st.
Q: What is the City's Ad Valorem tax rate?
A: 2013 property tax rate is .5000 cents per $100 of valuation
Q: What is the average home value in Falfurrias? $
A: The average market value for a home in Falfurrias, Brooks County, is $40,867 to $51,933 as of August 2012.
Q: What is the City's sales tax rate?
A: The sales tax rate for Falfurrias in Brooks County is 8.25%. Of these rates, 6.25% is State sales tax, 1.5% is City, and 0.5% is Brooks County. The County of Brooks collects 0.5%.
Q: How much does the City owe in outstanding Bonded Debt?
A: As of January 1, 2014, the city has $3,754,758 in outstanding debt that is paid with Utility System revenues and is pledged by the City’s assessed Ad Valorem taxes. The City's annual debt service payment is $304,598 for 2014.
Q: What is the City's Hotel occupancy tax rate?
A: The city collects 7% of the room rate. The city passes this tax to the Annual Fourth of July Celebration, The Heritage Museum, and other festivals/events on a case-by-case basis. An application is available under the Apply for HOT Funding tab.