City Council Meetings
Purpose of City Council Meetings
The City Council sets policy for the governance of the City. It hears public expressions, conducts open debate and at all times informs the public of its work. No Council is infallible; therefore, it is proper that public opinion be sought, but no Councilmember can permit judgment to become subservient to criticism for persons attending the meeting. Conversely, Aldermen should remember that they are servants of the people, not free agents, in administering the affairs of the City. The responsibility of making decisions is not easy nor without problems, but is the responsibility of the Council to vote and decide issues, regardless of personal feelings. There will always be segments of the community dissatisfied with decisions. The purpose of government is to balance-legally and fairly-the limitations, restrictions or losses that are placed upon an individual or individuals against the welfare of the community as a whole.
To assist the City Council in providing the best possible government for the City of Falfurrias, the Council often asks citizens to serve on boards or committees, as needed, and as created by Council. Citizens interested in serving in such a capacity are invited to submit their names for consideration. Applications to serve on a board are available at the City Hall. Details are also available by calling (361) 325-2420.
City Council Meetings Defined
Regular Meetings
All City Council meetings are open to the public except for the executive sessions. Meetings of the city committees thereof are also open to the public. The rules of the City Council provide that citizens of the city shall have reasonable opportunity to be heard at any such meeting in regard to any matter considered thereat. The Falfurrias City Council meets regularly on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. Meetings are held regularly at the council chambers at the Falfurrias Police Department Building located at 205 E. Allen Street, Falfurrias. Meeting notices are posted 72 hours prior to the regular meeting and are made accessible to the public during this time. Agenda packets containing detailed supporting documents are available for public review at City Hall. Information about meetings may also be obtained by calling the City Clerk at (361) 325-2420.
Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the City Clerk upon request of the City Council or the Mayor. Any notice of a special meeting must state the subject(s) to be considered. No subject(s) other than the ones posted may be considered during the meeting.
Executive Session
The City Council by a majority vote may adjourn to a closed meeting. After the Executive Session the Council will convene in open meeting and will take legislative action if necessary.
If during the course of a Council Meeting, the City Council determines that a closed meeting, or executive session, of the Council is required, such closed meeting or executive session will be conducted during or soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by a notice in the agenda. Executive Session meetings follow the guidelines and subject matter as set forth under Chapter 551 of Texas Government Code and any amendments thereto.
Procedures in Addressing the Government Body
Agendas are provided to the general public to facilitate their participation in the order of business.
Format for Speaking
Comments are made before the Council, the public, and any member of the press who may be in attendance. The speaker must wait to be recognized by the Mayor and then present his comment or concern. A time limitation may be set by the presiding officer. Any member of the City Council may respond to the speaker.
When can I address the City Council?
- You can address the City Council during Public Comments for an issue not posted in the Agenda by signing up in the public comment list before the meeting and submit to City Clerk.
- During a Public Hearing the Mayor will ask for public comments.
- Any interested party may address the Council on a specific agenda item if recognized by the Mayor.
Rules of Order
Formal parliamentary procedures are observed to expedite business, maintain order, and ensure justice and equality at all meetings of the Governing Body. Procedures provide equal time for all participants while protecting the individual's rights to participate.