Police Auctions
The City of Falfurrias contracts with Apple Auctioneering Company, a family owned nationwide company that specializes in the liquidation of seized assets for government agencies. They are currently the largest United States Marshals Service contractor in the nation for liquidating seized vehicles. AAC & Apple Towing Co., also family owned & operated, work together to relocate assets to a secure storage facility. The assets are then maintained until they are released or forfeited via court order.
Apple Auctioneering Co. provides services to the Falfurrias Police Department, Brooks County Sheriff’s Office and the Brooks County Constables Office by conducting auctions on a monthly basis. Apple Auctioneering also manages the entire auction process from start to finish.
For more information on the vehicles being auctioned and upcoming auction dates, please view the link below.
Please contact the Falfurrias Police Department at (361) 325-5041 with any questions.