The City of Falfurrias holds yearly at-large City Council elections with the Mayor and two (2) Council Member positions in odd numbered years and three (3) Council Members on even numbered years. The City Clerk is the Early Voting Clerk and responsible for conducting all City held general or special elections. The City elections are always held on the second Saturday in May with early voting conducted according to State guidelines. Elections are held at the Brooks County Ed Rachel Library, 203 S. Calixto Mora Ave, Falfurrias.
Any qualified voter of the City may have his/her name printed upon the official ballot for the particular office at any election by filing his /her sworn application as required by the Election Code of the State of Texas. The order of the names on the ballot shall be determined by drawing lots. Election of Mayor and Council Members are determined by plurality votes (receives the highest number of votes cast at such election for each office to be filled). In the event of a tie vote, the respective candidates so tied shall cast lots to determine who shall be the duly elected mayor or council member.
All City elections shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas governing general and municipal elections.