City of Falfurrias, Texas • Falfurrias Forward!
Comprehensive Plan 2013-2033
A Comprehensive Plan study was finalized for the City of Falfurrias in August 2012 by Grantworks Inc. through the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Planning and Capacity Building Fund. This matching grant is financed through provisions of a Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The total grant amount was $60,000.The grant portion was $50,000 and the City’s match was $10,000. The data provided by the study has become the foundation for the completion of the City’s First-Ever 20-year plan. In 2013, the City worked on including more components it believes are important such as drainage and flood control, parks and recreation, community development, and economic development.
We believe that with effective civic engagement, the final plan will be representative of all Falfurrias stakeholders. A theme that been established for the 2013-2033 Falfurrias Comprehensive Plan is Falfurrias Forward!
The City Council of Falfurrias plans to officially adopt the Comprehensive Plan in 2014 upon sharing it with the community. The final plan will identify opportunities and actions to fulfill our citizen’s vision for Falfurrias to make it a truly livable and unique community in South Texas.
A comprehensive plan is a document that expresses a vision for the future of a community and outlines a set of goals, objectives, and actions to achieve the desired vision. It gives guidance for the growth of a community, providing direction to city staff, decision makers, property owners, businesses, developers, and residents in the choices and decisions they make.
The City Council of Falfurrias Comprehensive Plan
The City Council of Falfurrias has planned to adopt a Comprehensive Plan in early 2014. This document will identify opportunities and actions to fulfill our citizen’s vision for Falfurrias to make it a truly livable and unique community in South Texas. A comprehensive plan is a document that expresses a vision for the future of a community and outlines a set of goals, objectives, and actions to achieve the desired vision. It gives guidance for the growth of a community, providing direction city staff, decision makers, property owners, businesses, developers, and residents in the choices and decisions they make.
- Streetscape Elements
- Ornamental Parks
- Walkability
- Downtown Area
- City Hall
- Recommended City Center Policies
- Education
- Public Library, Conference Center, Recreation Center and Pool
- Police Department
- Fire Department
- Emergency Medical Services
- Streets
- Drainage & Flood Control
- Policy Goals and Objectives for Streets
- Policy Goals and Objectives for Drainage & Flood Control
- Water Supply & Storage
- Water Distribution
- Fire Protection
- Wastewater Collection
- Gas
- Policy Goals and Objectives for the Water System
- Policy Goals and Objectives for the Wastewater System
- Policy Goals and Objectives for the Gas System
- Overview of Existing and Planned Parks
- Park Maintenance
- Golf Course
- Implementation Considerations
- Civic Engagement
- Policy Goals and Objectives for Parks