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This is Falfurrias, Texas

Falfurrias is the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres.

The city is centered around the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and State Highway 285 and is approximately 81 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles southeast of Laredo, and 36 miles south of Alice. Population was 6,200 as of 2010.

Welcome to Our City 

The City of Falfurrias is Open for Business! Entrepreneurs, corporations or organizations who may be considering our visionary community as a location for their investment, contact the City Administrator.

Whether it is general information, payment for city taxes or fines, the City's easy-to-use on-line payment site will save you time and energy.

Thank you from The City of Falfurrias, Texas.

City of Falfurrias

Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor                                                                                               
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem
David Longoria, Alderman
Manuel Perez Jr., Alderman
Mae Saenz, Alderwoman 
Roberto J. Villarreal, Alderman
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Ricardo H. Soliz, Municipal Judge
Ramiro Gonzalez, Chief of Police
Roberto Gomez, City Foreman
NOTICE is hereby given of a SPECIAL MEETING, of the City Council, for the City of Falfurrias, County of Brooks, State of Texas, to be held on WEDNESDAY, March 25, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at: Falfurrias Police Department Conference Room at 205 E. Allen St. Falfurrias, Texas 78355 for the purpose of considering the following numbered items.
If during the course of this Council Meeting, the City Council should determine that a Closed meeting or executive session of the Council is required, such closed meeting or Executive session will be conducted during or soon after the commencement of the meeting Covered by this notice. This closed meeting or executive session will follow the guidelines and subject matter as set forth under Title 5, Chapter 551, of Texas Government Code and any Amendments thereto.
  • ITEM 2.) CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
  • ITEM 4.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING: To approve January 14, 2015 special meeting minutes.
  • ITEM 5.)  PROCLAMATION – A Proclamation in honor of Falfurrias Varsity Boys’ Basketball Team.
  • ITEM 6.)  PRESENTATION – Presentation by City of Edinburg City Manager, Ramiro Garza, on U. S. Highway 281 Coalition. 
  • ITEM 7.)  PRESENTATION – Presentation on City of Falfurrias Comprehensive Streets Assessment by Juan Pimentel with LNV Engineering. 
  • ITEM 8.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on rebidding for the City of Falfurrias General Land Office (GLO) Grant for Cibolo Creek Drainage Improvements Project.
  • ITEM 9.) BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING – To discuss Master Inter-local Agreement between the City of Falfurrias and Brooks County.
  • ITEM 10.)  BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING – To discuss possible joint application with Brooks County for TxDOT Transportation Alternatives Grant.
  • ITEM 11.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on releasing bid for the Ed Rachel Memorial Golf Course Rehabilitation Project.
  • ITEM 12.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on awarding City of Falfurrias financial audit services to John Womack & Company, P.C., for fiscal year 2014. 
  • ITEM 13.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on authorizing use of Brooks County Sheriff’s Office antenna and repeater on City’s elevated storage tank.
  • ITEM 14.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on canceling City of Falfurrias General Election for May 9, 2015. 
  • ITEM 15.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To advertise for construction specialist position.  
  • ITEM 16.) BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING - To discuss facility plan and organizational plan. 
  • ITEM 17.) EXECUTIVE SESSION – The Council may enter into closed or executive session to discuss the following Texas Government Code
  1. “Attorney consultation pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Gov’t Code to provide advice and counsel in connection with the City’s rights, duties, privileges, and obligations in connection with the collective bargaining negotiations between the City and the police union, threats of litigation, and related legal matters”
  2. “Attorney consultation pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Gov’t Code; Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties and discipline of Animal Control Officer Rene Saenz.
  • ITEM 18.) RETURN TO OPEN SESSION – Consider and act upon items listed under Executive Session: 
  1. “Attorney consultation pursuant to Section 551.071, Texas Gov’t Code to provide advice and counsel in connection with the City’s rights, duties, privileges, and obligations in connection with the collective bargaining negotiations between the City and the police union, threats of litigation, and related legal matters”
  2. “Attorney consultation pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Gov’t Code; Personnel Matters; to deliberate the appointment, evaluation, reassignment, duties and discipline of Animal Control Officer Rene Saenz.
  • ITEM 19.) NEWS AND INFORMATION – (Non-Action Items) 
Department Head Reports –
  1. Municipal Court

  2. Chief of Police

  3. Director of Public Works 

  4. Director of Utilities

  5. Director of Finance 

  6. Code Enforcement 

  7. City Clerk

  8. City Administrator

  • ITEM 20.) ADJOURN.
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact 
Melinda Garza, City Clerk, at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 20th day of March, 2015 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
City of Falfurrias
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
This is to certify that this Agenda was posted on the glass front door of the City Hall office at ______P.M., _______________, 2015.
Signed: _____________________________
Title: _______________________________

City of Falfurrias

Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem                                                      
David Longoria, Alderman                                                                       
Manuel Perez Jr., Alderman                                                                     
Mae Saenz, Alderwoman                                                                               
Roberto J. Villarreal, Alderman                                                                           
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
Ricardo H. Soliz, Municipal Judge                                                                             
Ramiro Gonzalez, Chief of Police
Roberto Gomez, City Foreman
Homer Mora, City Attorney
NOTICE is hereby given of a SPECIAL MEETING, of the City Council, for the City of Falfurrias, County of Brooks, State of Texas, to be held on MONDAY, November 24, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at: Falfurrias Police Department Conference Room at 205 E. Allen St. Falfurrias, Texas 78355 for the purpose of considering the following numbered items.
If during the course of this Council Meeting, the City Council should determine that a closed meeting or executive session of the Council is required, such closed meeting or executive session will be conducted during or soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice. This closed meeting or executive session will follow the guidelines and subject matter as set forth under Title 5, Chapter 551, of Texas Government Code and an Amendments thereto.
  • ITEM 2.) CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
  • ITEM 3.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERING – To discuss comprehensive employee compensation study and implementation alternatives. 
  • ITEM 4.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERING – To discuss and possibly approved job descriptions as recommended in comprehensive classification study.
  • ITEM 5.) BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING: To discuss City goals and objectives. 
  • ITEM 6.) NEWS AND INFORMATION – (Non-Action Items) 
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact 
Melinda Garza, City Clerk, at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 21st day of November, 2014 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem
City of Falfurrias                   
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
This is to certify that this Agenda was posted on the glass front door of the City Hall office at _______P.M._______________, 2014
Signed: __________________
Title: ____________________

City of Falfurrias

Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem                                                      
David Longoria, Alderman                                                                       
Manuel Perez Jr., Alderman                                                                     
Mae Saenz, Alderwoman                                                                               
Roberto J. Villarreal, Alderman                                                                           
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
Ricardo H. Soliz, Municipal Judge                                                                             
Ramiro Gonzalez, Chief of Police
Roberto Gomez, City Foreman
Homer Mora, City Attorney
NOTICE is hereby given of a SPECIAL MEETING, of the City Council, for the City of Falfurrias, County of Brooks, State of Texas, to be held on MONDAY, December 1, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. at: Falfurrias Police Department Conference Room at 205 E. Allen St. Falfurrias, Texas 78355 for the purpose of considering the following numbered items.
If during the course of this Council Meeting, the City Council should determine that a closed meeting or executive session of the Council is required, such closed meeting or executive session will be conducted during or soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice. This closed meeting or executive session will follow the guidelines and subject matter as set forth under Title 5, Chapter 551, of Texas Government Code and an Amendments thereto.
  • ITEM 2.) CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
  • ITEM 3.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERING – To discuss comprehensive employee compensation study and implementation alternatives. 
  • ITEM 4.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERING – To discuss and possibly approved job descriptions as recommended in comprehensive classification study.
  • ITEM 5.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERING – To discuss and possibly approve purchasing of travel trailers from Federal surplus for City Emergency Management use. 
  • ITEM 6.) BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING: To discuss City goals and objectives. 
  • ITEM 7.) NEWS AND INFORMATION – (Non-Action Items) 
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact Melinda Garza, City Clerk, at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 26th day of November, 2014 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor 
City of Falfurrias                   
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
This is to certify that this Agenda was posted on the glass front door of the City Hall office at _______P.M._______________, 2014 
Signed: __________________
Title: ____________________

City of Falfurrias

Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem
David Longoria, Alderman
Manuel Perez Jr., Alderman
Mae Saenz, Alderwoman
Roberto J. Villarreal, Alderman
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
Ricardo H. Soliz, Municipal Judge
Ramiro Gonzalez, Chief of Police
Roberto Gomez, City Foreman
Homer Mora, City Attorney
NOTICE is hereby given of a SPECIAL MEETING, of the City Council, for the City of Falfurrias, County of Brooks, State of Texas, to be held on WEDNESDAY, January 28, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. at: Falfurrias Police Department Conference Room at 205 E. Allen St. Falfurrias, Texas 78355 for the purpose of considering the following numbered items.
If during the course of this Council Meeting, the City Council should determine that a closed meeting or executive session of the Council is required, such closed meeting or executive session will be conducted during or soon after the commencement of the meeting covered by this notice. This closed meeting or executive session will follow the guidelines and subject matter as set forth under Title 5, Chapter 551, of Texas Government Code and an amendments thereto.
  • ITEM 2.) CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
  • ITEM 4.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on authorizing the auctioning of surplus and salvage City equipment from City utilities, public works, and golf course through Apple Auctioneering Services.    
  • ITEM 5.)  CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION CONCERNING – To discuss and vote on issuing Request for Qualification (RFQ) for secondary legal services for City of Falfurrias. 
  • ITEM 6.) NEWS AND INFORMATION – (Non-Action Items) 
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact 
Melinda Garza, City Clerk, at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 23rd day of January, 2015 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact Melinda Garza, City Clerk, at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 18th day of January, 2015 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
City of Falfurrias                   
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
This is to certify that this Agenda was posted on the glass front door of the City Hall office at _______P.M. _______________, 2015
Signed: __________________
Title: ____________________

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