This is Falfurrias, Texas
Falfurrias is the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres.
The city is centered around the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and State Highway 285 and is approximately 81 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles southeast of Laredo, and 36 miles south of Alice. Population was 6,200 as of 2010.
Welcome to Our City
The City of Falfurrias is Open for Business! Entrepreneurs, corporations or organizations who may be considering our visionary community as a location for their investment, contact the City Administrator.
Whether it is general information, payment for city taxes or fines, the City's easy-to-use on-line payment site will save you time and energy.
Thank you from The City of Falfurrias, Texas.
Agenda Regular Meeting 1/1/14
- 3. CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
- 4. Approval of monthly bills.
- 5. Discussion and possible action on November financials for General Fund and Special Revenue Funds.
- 6. Discussion on Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Rural Internship Program.
- 7. Discussion and possible action of repeal of Ordinance No. 37 and all other Ordinances to the extent that all of said Ordinances(s) created the “Board of Trustees of Falfurrias Utility System” and provided that the said Board shall have the complete management and control of the gas, water, and sewer systems of the City of Falfurrias.
- 8. Discussion and possible action of Ordinance No. 419 and all other Ordinances that provide for the method of selecting members of the Board of Trustees of Falfurrias Utility System.
- 9. Discussion and possible action on Ordinance creating the “City of Falfurrias Utility System Advisory Board” to assist and advise the Falfurrias City Council on planning, design, and construction issues associated with the City of Falfurrias water, gas, and sewer system and setting forth terms of office, selection of members, and other related items.
- 10. Discussion and possible action on appointing members to the “City of Falfurrias Utility Systems Advisory Board”.
- 11. Discussion and possible action on authorizing City Administrator to execute technical assistance agreement for creation of wage rate chart and job descriptions based on salary comparability study and organizational chart and to include final narrative report.
- 12. News and Information – (Non-Action Items)
- 13. Adjourn.
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City looks to long-term saving...3529 hits