Lamar D. Martinez Sr., Mayor
Letty Garza, Mayor Pro-Tem
David Longoria, Alderman
Manuel Perez Jr., Alderman
Mae Saenz, Alderwoman
Roberto J. Villarreal, Alderman
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
Melinda Garza, City Clerk
Ricardo H. Soliz, Municipal Judge
Ramiro Gonzalez, Chief of Police
Roberto Gomez, Public Works Director
Samuel Maldonado, Utilities Director
Homer Mora, City Attorney
City of Falfurrias
Post Office Drawer E
Falfurrias, Texas 78355
Phone: (361) 325-2420 Fax: (361) 325-9784
NOTICE is hereby given of a Falfurrias Utilities Systems Advisory Board Meeting, for the City of Falfurrias, County of Brooks, State of Texas, to be held on Thursday, October 9, 2014 at 12:00 p.m. at the Falfurrias Police Department Conference Room at 205 E. Allen St. Falfurrias, Texas 78355 for the purpose of considering the following numbered items.
ITEM 2.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON: Amending of gas consulting continuing services agreement with Coler & Colantonio Inc. – a CHA Company, for development of Distribution Integrity Management Plan and Program (DIMP) for the City of Falfurrias Gas System as part of Condition Assessment.
ITEM 3.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON: Amending gas consulting continuing services agreement with Coler & Colantonio Inc. – a CHA Company to include ArcGIS Mapping services, to include administrative and technical support, for City of Falfurrias Gas System.
ITEM 4.) CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON: To discuss and recommend CIP and to include plan into cost of service rate model.
ITEM 5.) BRIEFING, DISCUSSION, AND DIRECTION CONCERNING: To discuss manual meter audit by the Utilities staff on the gas system Automated Meter Reporting (AMR) System.
Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who need assistance should contact Melinda Garza at (361)-325-2420 two days prior to the meetings so appropriate arrangements may be made.
The undersigned officers certify that the foregoing notice was posted this 6th day of October, 2014 on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall Building.
Justo Ramirez, Chairman
Noel Bernal, City Administrator
This is to certify that this Agenda was posted on the glass front door of the City Hall office at _______P.M. _______________, 2014
Signed: __________________
Title: ____________________
City of Falfurrias Utility Advisory Board Meetings