This is Falfurrias, Texas
Falfurrias is the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres.
The city is centered around the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and State Highway 285 and is approximately 81 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles southeast of Laredo, and 36 miles south of Alice. Population was 6,200 as of 2010.
Welcome to Our City
The City of Falfurrias is Open for Business! Entrepreneurs, corporations or organizations who may be considering our visionary community as a location for their investment, contact the City Administrator.
Whether it is general information, payment for city taxes or fines, the City's easy-to-use on-line payment site will save you time and energy.
Thank you from The City of Falfurrias, Texas.
- CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
- Approval of monthly bills.
- Review and possible action on September 4, 2013 regular meeting minutes.
- Review and possible action on September 10, 2013 budget workshop minutes.
- Presentation by Alex Aguilar on Iron Horse Bike Rally.
- Presentation by Brenda Gonzalez from Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services on Early Childhood Intervention (ECI).
- Discussion and possible action to approve request for Hotel Occupancy Tax funding for “Pan De Campo” Celebration.
- Discussion and possible action to authorize the City of Falfurrias Police Department to participate in the Judicial Enforcement Team consisting of Falfurrias Police Department, Brooks County Sheriff’s Office and 79th District Attorney’s Office.
- Discussion and possible action on August financials for General Fund and Special Revenue Funds.
- Discussion and possible action to approve Depository Contact Banking Services.
- Discussion and possible action on designating Ruben Villa as Building Official for City of Falfurrias as per Ordinance #570.
- Discussion and possible action on advertising for one (1) Administrative Assistant position for Falfurrias Municipal Court.
- Discussion and possible action to approve a $4,100 offer by Reynaldo Cabrajal & Pamela Cabrajal to purchase tax sale property on Lot 88, Block 1, Original Townsite of City of Falfurrias, as described in Volume 112, Page 69, Deed Records of Brooks County, Texas from Joe B. Garcia to Alonzo Cavazos by Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson delinquent attorneys and approve Resolution #411.
- Discussion and possible action to approve a $4,620 offer by Carlos Ruiz Jr. & Martha Ruiz to purchase tax sale property on Lot 1, Block C, Maupin Addition, an addition to the City of Falfurrias, as described in Volume 112, Page 805, Deed Records of Brooks County, Texas from Audelia Z. Villarreal to Carlos Villarreal Jr. by Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson delinquent attorneys and approve Resolution #412.
- Discussion and possible action to approve a $4,620 offer by Maria Ruiz to purchase tax sale property on Lot 1, Block C, Maupin Addition, an addition to the City of Falfurrias, as described in Volume 1, Page 32, Deed Records of Brooks County, Texas belonging to Placido Domingo by Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson delinquent attorneys and approve Resolution #413.
- Discussion and possible action to approve a $5,400 offer by Ramiro Barrera Jr. to purchase tax sale property on Lot 15, Block 16, Miller Brothers Addition, an addition to the City of Falfurrias, as described in Volume 75, Page 419, Deed Records of Brooks County, Texas belonging to Jessie A. Grimes by Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson delinquent attorneys and approve a Resolution #415.
- Discussion and possible action to approve a $1,350 offer by Enrique Garcia to purchase tax sale property on Lot 5, Block 20, Dashiell Addition, an addition to the City of Falfurrias, as described in Volume 127, Page 57, Deed Records of Brooks County, Texas belonging to Roselyn Myers by Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & Sampson delinquent attorneys and approve Resolution #416.
- CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
- Approval of monthly bills.
- Review and possible action on August 21, 2013 regular meeting minutes.
- Review and possible action on August 29, 2013 special meeting minutes.
- Review and possible action on August 29, 2013 budget workshop minutes.
- Presentation by Alex Aguilar on Iron Horse Bike Rally.
- Presentation by Nikolo Guerra on “Pan De Campo” Celebration.
- Discussion and possible action to approve or reject the 2012 independent financial audit.
- Discussion and possible action on July financials for General Fund and Special Revenue Funds.
- Discussion and possible action to ratify the Utility Board’s nomination of Mr. Bill Talley to continue on their Board of Trustees for a term beginning on January 1, 2014 and ending on December 31, 2018.
- Discussion and possible action on Ordinance #570 to establish requirements for Building Official.
- Discussion and possible action on ratifying Ordinance #571 to create a one-way turn on the intersections of Hartmann Street and Chester Street with Adams Street for Brooks County ISD traffic assistance between the hours of 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday – Friday throughout the School Year.
- Discussion and possible action on Ordinance #572 to establish Certificate of Occupancy permits, inspections, and penalties for violations of general requirements.
- Discussion and possible action on appointment of two (2) public works personnel, set salary, and effective date of appointment.
- Discussion and possible action on scheduling dates for September City of Falfurrias budget workshops.
- CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
- Approval of monthly bills.
- Approval of minutes.
- Presentation by Saul Garza on Adult Softball field.
- Discussion and possible action on July financials for General Fund and Special Revenue Funds.
- Discussion on creating Ordinance to establish Building Inspector requirements.
- Discussion and possible action on ratifying Resolution #409 authorizing the commencement of proceedings relating to the issuance refunding bonds; and other matters related thereto.
- Discussion and possible action on ratifying Resolution #410 authorizing the submission of a request to the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) authorizing an amendment to the loan commitment; and other matter related thereto.
- News and Information – (Non-Action Items)
- CITIZEN COMMENTS: This is the opportunity for visitors and guests to address the City Council on any issue. City Council may not discuss any presented issue, nor may any action be taken on any issue at this time. (Attorney General Opinion – JC 0169)
- Approval of monthly bills.
- Approval of minutes.
- Discussion and possible action on June financials for General Fund and Special Revenue Funds.
- Discussion and possible action on schedule for August 15th and August 29th City of Falfurrias budget workshops.
- Discussion and possible action authorizing the Texas Municipal League (TML) Intergovernmental Employee Benefits Pool (IEBP) increase of 5% to Medical Benefit Plan.
- Discussion and possible action on approval of $8,972.50 Technical Assistance Agreement with the Nelrod Company for creation of wage rate chart and job descriptions based on salary comparability and organization chart and to include final narrative report.
- Discussion and possible action on building inspector services plan as recommended by City Administrator.
- Discussion and possible action on amending Ordinance No. 557; increasing fee for permit for establishments operating certain game and amusement devices, denying food preparation at such establishment and providing for penalties for violations of Ordinance, savings and severability clause, conflicts and providing for an effective date.
- Discussion and possible action on authorizing Requests for Proposal (RFP) for City of Falfurrias Depository Contract for banking services.
- Discussion and possible action on appointment of exploratory committee to analyze the feasibility of creating an Economic Development Corporation (EDC) to further economic development opportunities for City of Falfurrias.
- Discussion on administrative framework options for City of Falfurrias to include management and control of City-Owned utilities.
- Discussion and possible action to approve an Interlocal Agreement with Brooks County for landfill personnel services, ambulance services, streets, Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and/or other services as determined by City Council.
- Discussion and possible action regarding options for providing ambulance services for City of Falfurrias.
- Discussion and possible action on acceptance of resignation from Mr. Quirino Jaime Jr.
- Discussion and possible action on posting for two (2) Public Works positions for City of Falfurrias.
Local News
City looks to long-term saving...3529 hits