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This is Falfurrias, Texas

Falfurrias is the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres.

The city is centered around the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and State Highway 285 and is approximately 81 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles southeast of Laredo, and 36 miles south of Alice. Population was 6,200 as of 2010.

Welcome to Our City 

The City of Falfurrias is Open for Business! Entrepreneurs, corporations or organizations who may be considering our visionary community as a location for their investment, contact the City Administrator.

Whether it is general information, payment for city taxes or fines, the City's easy-to-use on-line payment site will save you time and energy.

Thank you from The City of Falfurrias, Texas.


Press Releases


Falfurrias Police Department Press Releases

  • School Resource
The School Resource Officer program (SRO) is a nationally accepted program involving the placement of a law enforcement officer with the educational environment.  The officer, while in school, is involved in a variety of functions aimed at prevention.  Besides being an active high profile law enforcement officer, the SRO is a resource for students, parents, teachers and administration regarding law enforcement issues.  Working hand in hand with the Principal, the SRO assists with finding solutions to problems affecting students.
The basic duties of the SRO includes investigating crimes that occur within the school and on school property, creating a positive role model for students, creating a link between law enforcement and the students, and being a resource for parents, staff, administration, and students in regards to law enforcement and community problems.
At this time, Falfurrias Police Department has one SRO officer that works at the Falfurrias High School for the Brooks County Independent School District. 

  • Operation Stone Garden
Operations Stone Garden is an operation funded through a federal grant. Falfurrias Police Department is a sub-recipient of the Kennedy County OPSG award. OPSG enhances the Falfurrias Police Department’s capability to detect, prevent, and deter terrorist weapons of mass effect, transnational gangs, smuggling of contraband and human trafficking. These efforts will reduce crime in the community and ultimately improve the quality of life for the residents of the City of Falfurrias. Officers performing duties under this operation will enhance border security, supporting the DRS mission and the National Border Patrol Strategy; however the Falfurrias Police Department will not be involved in immigration enforcement. 

Special Programs



The Falfurrias Police Department is community oriented and strives to provide and participate in programs that will improve the quality of life for all citizens of Falfurrias.
  • Annual Toys for Tot 
This is an annual program held in December during the Christmas Holidays to help the children of the community of Falfurrias. We have several families that are in need of financial help and during this holidays do not have the means to give to their children. With the cooperation of some businesses, The Falfurrias Police Department and this business partners make it possible for these families and their children to enjoy the holidays.
  • The JET Program
The Falfurrias Police Department the Brooks County Sheriff’s Office and the 79th District   Attorneys Office team up to form the 79th Judicial Enforcement Team (JET) for Falfurrias, Texas and Brooks County. This team is composed of one agent from each Entity.  JET strives to maintain a partnership with all of our citizens in order to provide the most responsive, and the highest quality police service possible.
JET understands and to meet the needs of our citizens, and to improve the quality of their lives by impartially maintaining order, innovatively solving problems, actively preventing criminal acts, and by aggressively apprehending criminals in a manner which is consistent with the law and is reflective of shared community values .
  • Educational Tours
We provide tours of the Falfurrias Police Department to school groups and other local organizations, such as school children of different ages, grades and Daycare Centers. Contact Chief of Police Ramiro Gonzalez or Asst. Chief Alberto Gonzalez  for more information or to schedule a tour.
  • Public Information Programs
The Falfurrias Police Department will come to your business, school, or organization and present a program catered to your specific needs. Contact Chief of Police Ramiro Gonzalez or Asst. Chief Alberto Gonzalez  for more information or to schedule a program.
  • Falfurrias Christmas Dinner
This program was started by the Falfurrias Police Department in 2013. The Falfurrias Police Department has partnered with local businesses who then get together with the local schools to select a needy student, and his or her family, who are then furnished a special meal for Christmas. 
  • Routine / Directed Patrol
If you need your home or business watched while you are away the Department's patrol officers can help with our Routine/Directed Patrol program.  We ask that you complete the form below and either mail, fax or email to the Department. The information will be given directly to the officer(s) working your area. The form also has a directed patrol component which is helpful in addressing ongoing problems in your neighborhood.  For more information please read the instruction sheet included with the form.
  • Code Enforcement Officer
The purpose of this position is to identify violations of state and local laws and codes, and to maintain and enhance property value. This is accomplished by responding to violation, enforcing ordinances, resolving disputes, maintaining records, and researching property information. Other duties include organizing information for public hearing, assisting the public, issuing citations, and preparing reports.
For information contact Code Enforcement Inspector Lamar Villarreal at (361)325-5041; (361)325-2420 or at lvillarreal@ci.falfurrias.tx.us. 

Patrol Unit


The Falfurrias Police Department Patrol Unit consists of one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, and seven patrol officers and one Reserve Officer. This includes one officer assigned as a School Resource Officer and one as Code Enforcement Officer. These officers patrol the City of Falfurrias in 8 hour shifts by responding to dispatched calls. Their main objective is to protect life and property by enforcing law and order.


Alberto Gonzalez

Chief of Police







Eliza Gonzalez



Patrol Unit


R. Rodriguez










Criminal Investigation Unit


Falfurrias Police Department | Criminal Investigation Division

The Criminal Investigation Division (C.I.D.) is the investigative arm of the police department.  C.I.D. handles: the follow-up investigations of criminal offenses and internal investigations; the development of information contributing to offense prevention; the management of physical evidence and property; and victim assistance. 
The primary functions of the Criminal Investigation Division are:  to review and investigate reports of felony and misdemeanor criminal acts; identify suspects, both adult and juvenile; and prepare cases for prosecution with the District Attorney’s Office.  Investigative work is reactive from reports with the identification, arrest and prosecution of suspects and also proactive through the prevention of criminal acts in their identification of suspects. 
The Investigation Division also provides support to victims of crimes during the course of an investigation.  The crime victims and the community both benefit from the prosecution and punishment of criminals.  Every attempt is made to prioritize an investigator’s work so that cases involving injured persons, threats to personal safety and significant property loss receive the most immediate attention.  The Investigations Division has at least two officers designated as being “on call” at all times, though all investigators can be called in to work major crime scenes as needed.  The investigators are available during normal business hours.
Should you have a question or if you would like to report drug activity, you may call the Criminal Investigation Division at (361)325-5041

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