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This is Falfurrias, Texas

Falfurrias is the county seat of Brooks County, Texas, United States. The town is named for founder Edward Cunningham Lasater's ranch, La Mota de Falfurrias. In 1893, the Falfurrias ranch was one of the largest in Texas at some 350,000 acres.

The city is centered around the intersection of U.S. Highway 281 and State Highway 285 and is approximately 81 miles southwest of Corpus Christi, 90 miles southeast of Laredo, and 36 miles south of Alice. Population was 6,200 as of 2010.

Welcome to Our City 

The City of Falfurrias is Open for Business! Entrepreneurs, corporations or organizations who may be considering our visionary community as a location for their investment, contact the City Administrator.

Whether it is general information, payment for city taxes or fines, the City's easy-to-use on-line payment site will save you time and energy.

Thank you from The City of Falfurrias, Texas.

Financial Transparency


FY 2015-2019 CIP Project Summary 


Financial Audits Reports


City of Falfurrias Utility Board Audit







Ad Valorem Taxes
The City's current ad valorem tax rate is $0.474807 per $100 of valuation of which is for Maintenance and Operations (M&O) of the General Fund for FY 2018.
Sales Taxes
The City's total tax rate collection is 8.25% in Brooks County.  The State's share is 6.25%, Brooks County Health Services District .5%, and the City 1.5%. The City's 1.5% is credited to the General Fund and is not pledged to the payment of bonded debt.  Collections and enforcements are effected through the offices of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, State of Texas, who remits the proceeds of the tax, after deducting a 2% service fee, to the City monthly.


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Texas Municipal Reports

All Rights Reserved
Falfurrias, City of (General Obligation Debt)
Brooks County
Last Revised 03/12/2014
TMR # 1475
Page 1 of 4
FINANCIAL STATEMENT (As of December 01, 2013)


Professional Standards


Submitting a Compliment or Complaint

The Falfurrias Police Department is dedicated to providing the best police service possible to all citizens.  Police employees are carefully selected and given the best training possible in order to provide this service.  If you have occasion to see an employee present themselves in an exemplary manner, you may call the department or fill out the compliment form below.  However, you may have an unpleasant or unprofessional experience with an employee of the Falfurrias Police Department and desire to lodge a complaint regarding your experience.
Complimenting an Employee
If an employee of the Falfurrias Police Department has done an outstanding job, you may call or visit the police department and ask to speak to the supervisor of the employee you are wishing to compliment.  Additionally, there is a brochure available below that may be filled out and turned into the Professional Standards Officer or the employee's supervisor.  You may contact the Professional Standards Officer in person at 203 E. Allen Street or by telephone at (361)325-5041 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pomp each weekday.
After the compliment is received, it will be forwarded through the chain of command ultimately reaching the Chief of Police.  After review, the employee could receive a letter of recognition, a letter of commendation or other special recognition by the department.
Registering a Complaint
When a citizen lodges a complaint against a member of the Falfurrias Police Department, the complaint goes to the Professional Standards Officer.  If the Professional Standards Officer is not available, a complaint may be filed with any police supervisor, sergeant of above.
Texas law requires that all complaints against police officers be in writing and signed by the person making the complaint.  Complaints must be made within 30 days of the incident complained about however; special circumstances can exist allowing for a complaint after this time frame has expired.   
A brochure and affidavit is provided below for your convenience should a situation occur in which you desire to file a complaint.  The brochure and affidavit are also available at the Falfurrias Police Department.  The Department recommends you read the brochure prior to filing a complaint.  To file a complaint, print and complete the affidavit.   The affidavit then should be forwarded to the Professional Standards Officer.  If the Professional Standards Officer is not available then you may leave the complaint with any police supervisor, sergeant or above.
It should be noted that a disagreement over the validity of a traffic citation is not a complaint.  Such a disagreement should be directed to the court that has jurisdiction.
  • False Complaints
Citizens should be aware that filing a false complaint is a violation of the Texas Penal Code.  Section 37.02 provides punishment for an individual adjudged guilty of filing such a complaint.  A person convicted of this offense can be punished by a fine of up to $2,000, confinement in jail for up to one year or by both fine and imprisonment.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the Professional Standards Officer, Asst. Chief Alberto Gonzalez



The Falfurrias Police Department Records Division consists of Maggie Perez, Administrative Assistant, and Melinda Slowinski, Falfurrias Police Department Secretary.
The Records Division maintains the records for the police department as well as waits on customers at the front window and answers the phones.  In addition, the records division is responsible for fulfilling requests for copies of reports. 

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